Monday, April 25, 2011


 Taylor LOVED Cole!
 We even had a live band!
 Taylor's 1st Birthday Cupcake Owls.
 Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!
 Ouch...She put the candle out with her hand!
 But the cupcake made her feel better ;D!
 Kisses for sissy.
 More kisses for the birthday girl.
The boyz!
The Frye fam came to town, so it was time to partay! Their presence is awesome, such a fun and loving family. We really wish they lived closer, but also happy they live in Kauai as it is a perfect place to vacation :D. It just happened to be the day before Taylor's birthday so we celebrated her being 1 too :D! It was such a fun night...we love our friends! Seriously. They are the best. We are so incredibly lucky.

1 comment:

Langleys Mom said...

Happy Birthday to sweet Taylor!! What a sweetie she is! Looks like you'll had a nice Easter too. Way behind on catching up with blogs these days. Miss all our OB friends!! xo- Sarah